

A suite of retopology tools for Blender

Loops Help

Shortcut: 6, Ctrl+Alt+Q

Quick Shortcut: Ctrl+R

The Loops tool allows you to insert new edge loops along a face loop and slide any edge loop along the source mesh. The Loops tool also works on any strip of edges.


Ctrl+LMB, Ctrl+LMB+Double : insert edge loop


LMB+Click, Shift+LMB+Click : select edges
LMB+Double, Shift+LMB+Double : smart select loop
LMB+Drag, Shift+LMB+Drag : paint edge selection
Ctrl+Shift+LMB+Click : select edges along shortest path
A : select / deselect all
Alt+A : deselect all


G : slide loop
LMB+Drag : if mouse over unselected geometry, smart select loop under mouse.
grab and slide selected geometry under mouse
Shift+S : smooths edge flow of selected geometry


Backspace, Delete, X : delete/dissolve/collapse selected
V : rip selected edge
Alt+V : rip and fill selected edge