

A suite of retopology tools for Blender

Relax Help

Shortcut: 8, Ctrl+Alt+X

Quick Shortcut: Z

The Relax tool allows you to easily relax the vertex positions using a brush.


LMB, LMB+Double, LMB+Drag : relax all vertices within brush
Shift+LMB, Shift+LMB+Double, Shift+LMB+Drag : relax only selected vertices within brush

Changing Brush Options

F : adjust brush size
Shift+F : adjust brush strength
Ctrl+F : adjust brush falloff

These options can also be stored as presets in the Brush Options panel.

To quickly switch between presets, use the Shift+Q, ~ pie menu.


Relax has several options to control which vertices are or are not moved. Each option is below, along with setting and description.


Exclude : Relax vertices not along boundary
Slide : Relax vertices along boundary, but move them by sliding along boundary
Include : Relax all vertices within brush, regardless of being along boundary


Exclude : Relax vertices not along symmetry plane
Slide : Relax vertices along symmetry plane, but move them by sliding along symmetry plane
Include : Relax all vertices within brush, regardless of being along symmetry plane


Exclude : Relax only visible vertices
Include : Relax all vertices within brush, regardless of visibility


Exclude : Relax only unselected vertices
Only : Relax only selected vertices
All : Relax all vertices within brush, regardless of selection